"Euphorically and elegaically, the blessed trinity of No-Man are incapable of making a duff record... (they) know all the right moments to swoon and attack but this doesn't stop them doing it... No-Man have three (im)practical strengths. Tim Bowness' louche exquisite voice, Ben Coleman's ravishing lickable violin, and Steven Wilson's general all-round eclectic musical genius. They deal with desires... that romantics live and die for. They make dance rhythms rock, as in 'Kiss Me Stupid'. They tell stories, as in 'Iris Murdoch Cut Me Up'. Best and breathiest of all, they reinvent the big ballad... On a fine day No-Man stroke both Bronte and Brett Easton Ellis... over a ghetto-friendly groove."
Melody Maker
"A sublime merger of substance and style, of art and artifice, of modern dance sensibilities and traditional orchestral arrangements... tiptoeing across the gold-plated rooftops of The Blue Nile, funking on down with the Native Tongues collective, aching of loved ones with all the doomed romance of a modern day Baudelaire... Some might say, pointing to the sleevenotes' reference to Mahler and Reich, that it's all too pretentious, but if that's the price we pay for a welcome return to intelligence, poetry and beauty, I reckon we can afford it."
The List
"No-Man are an island, refusing to slump into the grey waters of indie mumbling... Literate and witty, they chase Tim Bowness' magnificently poignant vocals with venomous violins and an erotically ferocious backbeat... Aeons ahead of their time. Book early to avoid sensory deprivation."
"A moody kind of dance groove that makes you think... aural eroticism certain to get your CD player hot under the cover. Not guilty of trying to be too clever, 'Lovesighs' caresses with subtle rhythms and soothing vocals - the full works."
"A sublime merger of substance and style, of art and artifice, of modern dance sensibilities and traditional orchestral arrangements... tiptoeing across the gold-plated rooftops of The Blue Nile, funking on down with the Native Tongues collective, aching of loved ones with all the doomed romance of a modern day Baudelaire... Some might say, pointing to the sleevenotes' reference to Mahler and Reich, that it's all too pretentious, but if that's the price we pay for a welcome return to intelligence, poetry and beauty, I reckon we can afford it."
The List
"No-Man are an island, refusing to slump into the grey waters of indie mumbling... Literate and witty, they chase Tim Bowness' magnificently poignant vocals with venomous violins and an erotically ferocious backbeat... Aeons ahead of their time. Book early to avoid sensory deprivation."
"A moody kind of dance groove that makes you think... aural eroticism certain to get your CD player hot under the cover. Not guilty of trying to be too clever, 'Lovesighs' caresses with subtle rhythms and soothing vocals - the full works."
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